Monday, December 1, 2008

THE DYNAMIC return of Russia in the neighborhood of the United States, Latin America, for the first time since the missile crisis of 1962, confirmed the tour of Russian President Dmitri Mentventef in four countries in the region. Tour that coincided, by no means accidental, with the advent strongly and unambiguously in the U.S.,
until recently, the Caribbean waters fate of the Russian Northern Fleet of journey after two months and 15,000
nautical miles from the Arctic to participate in joint naval maneuvers with the Navy of Venezuela. The scheduled for December joint military exercise between the two countries is the first of its kind, as does Mentventef visit is the first time to visit Russian President in Venezuela:
a clear signal to Washington that we need to consider the past «Monroe Doctrine» and the absolute dominance of the western hemisphere. No one forgets that these drills were announced immediately after the conflict in the Caucasus but also as a «reward» successive visits Chávez in Moscow the last six months, followed by highly advantageous agreements for purchases of sophisticated weapons systems.
On Thursday the Russian leader was received with enthusiasm in Havana by Cuban leader Raúl Castro in a highly symbolic visit to «free besieged» Isle of heavy sick but historically vindicated by developments old Fidel. As in previous posts of-the Lima, Rio de Janeiro and Caracas, thus in Havana and Mr Mentventef signed a number of commercial, military and energy agreements. One of them holding large contracts for submarine deposits from Gazprom, to install nuclear reactors but also for the upgrading of the Cuban armed forces and especially by modern Russian air defense weapons.

But the most important aspect of the visit is undoubtedly (geo) political: the «back» Russians after almost 20 years old in the absence of «satellite» of the USSR, for decades the only socialist «fortress» in the western hemisphere. The rate of violent Soviet «umbilical cord blood», in 1989, in conjunction with the course cruel U.S. embargo, Cuba has resulted in the worst economic crisis in its history-the famous «special period» between 1990 and 1994. But thanks to coercive economic openings and above all insurmountable in spite of Fidel Castro, the Cuban regime not only survived but claimed to «grafted» ideologically and a series «perikoklades», with the most important oil-rich Venezuela of Hugo Chavez.

There, in Caracas, Mr. Mentventef and of course the strong man of Russia Vladimir Putin supported the Latin American geopolitical their bet. In Venezuela, not Cuba, and also sent a small number of vessels but terrible fate ceasefire into force of the Russian Fleet in the north, with heavy rocket flagship cruiser «Great Petros» - whose presence in the Caribbean is widely considered «retaliation» Moscow for the challenging task of NATO ships in Georgian Black Sea ports in the «war five days» with Georgia, but also to install a missile defense shield the U.S. from Eastern Europe. And it is certain that despite the haughty statements of the leadership as that of Condoleezza Rice, who said that «few ships can not change the strategic balance» in the region, the ... soulatsa the «Great Peter», a Cold War-yperoplou specially designed to sink U.S. nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, seem to worry the White House and the Pentagon far more than the presence of the Russian president in Buenos Aires, in Rio, to Caracas and Havana, and almost equally with the docking of Russian warships in the Syrian port of Tartous ...

Russia certainly has every reason to extend its political, military and commercial mainly «bridgehead» in Central and South America, taking advantage of the «vacuum of power» set up because of excessive U.S. involvement in the Middle East and Central Asia but and the collapse of supported by the Washington political forces, which allowed the proliferation of anti regimes in the region. But Chávez and the need, at this stage, from «high protection». Has the need for Russian support, and especially the Russian weapons - from the sophisticated fighter «Sukhoi» and dozens of helicopters aggressively as the 100,000 humble «Kalashnikov» already-purchased under the multi-annual effort to limit American influence not only in his country but throughout Latin America. Besides the «bolivariani revolution» of ... loses oils. In local elections last Sunday million citizens of Venezuela - particularly the inhabitants of large cities-have shown they are tired of the substantial political and monocracy increasingly autocratic style of governance Chávez but also by the inability to cope with the accuracy, and crime corruption, deploring the vote protoklasata names of «TDI» mechanism. The «prezintente» did everything to reverse the climate. In the last year increased public spending by 60%, while personally turned against members of the opposition rain exapolyontas serious categories. Nevertheless, the totally discredited and fragmented, following his support for the failure, amerikanopnefsto coup of 2002, venezouelaniki opposition «won» final two major cities, including the Caracas. Although overall won only five of the 22 provinces, they are the richest in natural resources and with the largest population.

There was certainly a defeat for the «Tsavistas», which took more than 60% of the votes. The election was more a warning «bell», similar to last year's rather marginal «no» in the referendum on constitutional reform that will finally install the Chávez to the presidency by 2020, while offering unprecedented, almost dictatorial, superpower. What we really fear, ultimately, the «Tsavistas» is the counterattack of the empire. Whereas, in other words, the Americans, having tried without luck, in 2002, the «prescription» Chile-demonstrations, strikes and finally a military coup, will now try to Venezuela and a «civil» destabilization as we attempt Voliviaothontas recently in the disobedience and ultimately secession in the wealthiest regions controlled by the opposition. The excellence «proteze» of Chávez, the Evo Morales, she almost lost everything and everything suggests that he hardly recovered from the entechno «on the inside» hit of the summer. For this and reminds Chávez at every opportunity and in any direction that «the revolution is armed eirinikialla» - and buy the more Russian weapons can ...

At the same time the Chávez troubled by the drop in oil prices: that the signing by the state energy company of Venezuela RDVSA the great cooperation agreement with Russian Gazprom, Lukoil, TNK-BP and Rosneft, to create a consortium with a view to exploring and exploiting oil deposits in the region Karampompo, was greeted with enthusiasm. Especially as the Russians rushed to the promise, even signing a memorandum full support for the establishment of nuclear-reactor similar to that signed with Cuba and with the government of Rafael Korea in Ecuador, which also favors the «anti» and «socialist» camp of Chávez. After Iran, Moscow is now essentially agreed to give up nuclear technology and Chávez! What more to do to respond to the challenges of Washington?
The tour was for ... Obama

O Mentventef returned from Latin America in Moscow with another «air», this xananiomenis leader of a superpower, and a valuable series of transnational cooperation agreements, totaling tens of billions of dollars in the briefcase. How far but intends to grab the rope Russia? Some analysts, Westerners and Russians, believe that the Kremlin simply blofarei with the Latin American paper, in view of changing guard at the White House to gain a better bargaining position than the Barak Obama and to push it to abandon some of the most disturbing about these Bush initiatives such as the anti-missile shield, in exchange for the gradual abandonment of-alas, so long! - Latin American client-states, the «Member clients» of. On the other hand, and South American leaders play their cards carefully, because they do not want to «burn» any early hopes better relations with Obama and the «natural» superpower their neighborhood. Particularly the Cubans, who have ... «Gone before» in the past, where everything from waiting for the «Mom Russia». Today, despite the revolutionary rhetoric of the regime, have now exhausted than half a century suffocating embargo and would gladly exchanged the Russian «goodness» to achieve the lifting of the Obama and the Democratic-controlled Congress-hence the proposal of the day before yesterday 77 year old Raoul for a meeting with the new President in neutral Guantanamo!

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